My Little Light
just trying to let it shine

God - Outside The Box

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I followed your lead and took the leap.
Scared to death I wouldn't land on my feet.

But I landed on a path obscured from my vision
by the box surrounding me created by religion.

At first I was scared without the restriction.
No church, no pastor to pile on the conviction.

Who was going to tell me what I should do?
Without my leaders superior knowledge of you.

Through a faith smaller than a mustard seed.
I more hoped than believed you for what I need.

With love so undeserving you took my hand.
And showed me mercy I could not understand.

You patiently showed me my rules had no place.
Replacing the voids left behind with your grace.

Because of the sacrifice you made for me
I can cast off the box, and truly live free.

For anyone who ever read my other blog "The Untried" it is back up with an explanation at the end of the most recent post.  I hope you will check it out.

About Me

Kentucky, United States
I love to write. Whether it's short stories, poems, or something else altogether I hope you will enjoy them. If you feel so inclined I would love to have you leave a comment on the things you read.

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