On one of my other blogs (Modern Church Translations) I take Bible verses and "translate" them to fit how the modern church actually practices them. I guess you could call this one a modern church translation of the classic children's song "This Little Light of Mine."
This little light of mine. Let it shine on me.
This little light of mine. Shine it for my church to see.
This little light of mine. It's not for sinners, they scare me.
Let it shine, just for me, and my glory.
Let the church door blow it out as I step outside.
Let the church door blow it out, till I'm back inside.
Let the church door blow it out so that I can hide.
Let it shine, in my church, not outside.
Show it to my friends, Oh yeah! They'll pat me on the back.
Show it to my friends, Oh yeah! Make my head get fat.
Show it to any others, Oh no! Why would I do that.
Let it shine, part time, part time.
For more information on the original song by Harry Dixon Loes click >here<.