A few weeks back I implemented disqus comments on my blog. I really like the way they were threaded. You could reply to a specific comment and the reply would appear directly below the comment you were replying to.
However, I have had lots of problems with it. Lack of notifications of new comments, comments that were not spam were being marked as spam by the disqus system as well as some other problems.
I have decided to remove disqus from all three of my blogs. I spent hours trying to figure out how to import all my disqus comments back to the blog. After being thoroughly frustrated trying to track down that information on their site I gave up.
So, if you commented on any of the last few posts they are gone. Feel free to comment again if you would like. But you will have to do it on this post and tell me which one you are commenting on because when I removed disqus it closed comments on all the threads that originally had disqus. If not I understand.
In short, they have a great idea but the service simply doesn't work as advertised, and when you have a problem answers are nearly impossible to find. I am going to try to slowly copy and paste them all back from the disqus website
Hopefully it will work.
September 22, 2008 at 2:31 PM
Sorry about the problems Mark. I know of another blogger that had a problem with it.. I also liked the way that it nested comments. Maybe Blogger will clone it in the future?
September 23, 2008 at 12:56 PM
That would be really nice. I loved the way it did the comments themselves, but the problems on the backend for me just outweighed the good.
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